How We Help
Sales Support & Enablement
See how Nimble Thinkers helps you provide your teams & sales partners actionable insights and an improved customer experience to drive market growth for your brand.

Help Your Sales Teams & Partners Succeed

Whatever the size or complexity of your sales pipeline, Nimble Thinkers offers you a range of sales solutions. Whether you have in-house teams or a network of sales & distribution partners, our goal is to help you achieve better results by actionable data-driven strategies, and training solutions that help your brand gain marketshare, drive revenue growth and ROI.

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Pipeline & Revenue Management Solutions

Our pipeline and revenue management solutions go beyond just tracking and reporting customer journey data. We filter through and clean up your leads, and provide insights on leads relying on your competitors using first-party data. Leave your pipeline optimization to us so you can begin maximizing your ROI.

Learn More About How We Can Support Your Sales Teams

Our efficient solutions and tools can optimize your sales pipeline, no matter how extensive it is. Through our holistic approach, we craft data-backed strategies, curate training resources, and ensure aligned delivery to improve your overall sales performance.

full spectrum sales channel support

People group solid

Sales Leaders/Teams

Handshake light

Your Sales Channel Partners

Chart network solid

Your Distributors

Share all light

Your Resellers


Your Retail Partners

Co-Op Marketing Program Strategy

Bridge the gap between you and your channel partners with our help. We can set up approval systems, facilitate communication, and maintain seamless resource exchange, ensuring a cost-effective and cohesive equation.

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Sales Collateral & Training Development

It’s practically impossible for your sales team to remain on top of their leads while knowing every last feature they can sell. Rope us in to upskill your team with appropriate training, and curate material that guides your distributors and customers on product installation and usage.

Learning/Training Management
Our experts create versatile training programs aimed at employee skill development. We set up a one-stop portal for your team to access training materials and video lessons, eventually making them an efficient salesforce.
Product Education Portals
We develop product education portals and create material on the installation and maintenance of products, making it easier for you and your customers.

Sales Funnel Optimization

We identify opportunities for you to implement plans that boost lead conversion and business revenue.

MQL & SQL Development

Our in-depth analysis of your CRM database helps get rid of dead leads and evaluate the reason for any gaps between the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) and Sales-Qualified Lead (SQL) databases.

Multitouch Lead Nurturing

Save up on time chasing down leads that turn cold in the blink of an eye. Our team’s multitouch lead nurturing validates and confirms potential conversions, getting you hot leads ready for a call.

Email Automation

Target hot leads from your CRM database using our valuable first-party data; send out personalized automated emails to see a boost in your email open and click through rates.


Leave it to us to fetch leads the tried-and-tested way. Our telemarketing team contacts leads, validates their details, and ensures follow-up to increase your conversion rate and optimize your CRM.

LinkedIn Outreach

Reach out to leads on LinkedIn, either by well-curated material we provide your sales teams, or by outsourcing the task to us.

Display Retargeting

Cover every possible pain point, uncover every opportunity for conversions, and stay top-of-mind with every lead through our effective display retargeting.

Lead Scoring

Save up on the time and resources required to convert potential customers - we can audit your data and score it, filtering through your leads for you.

Revenue Forecasting

Our comprehensive sales support and enablement services clean up your database and optimize your sales funnels, getting you that much more accuracy for your revenue forecast reports.